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Glossary of Terms
A class of lift trucks and fork lifts that are specifically design to perform with maximum efficiency in tight spaces (i.e. narrow aisles). So, if your warehouse incorporates a narrow aisle design, there is a narrow aisle lift truck to fit your needs. Some of the common variations include single or double reach trucks, order pickers and turret trucks.
A cushion tire lift truck or forklift is has tires mounted that are solid in nature and primarily designed and used in warehouse application where the travel surface is smooth and solid. Cushion tires are available in mark or non mark variations.
A pneumatic tire lift truck or forklift is has tires mounted that are inflated with air, which provides a flexible cushion between the vehicle and the travel surface. The pneumatic tire may also have a solid core with the look of an air inflated tire.
These trucks provide exceptional maneuverability in compact areas and standard polyurethane wheels and rollers for rolling ease.
Free lift is the maximum vertical distance to the upper surface of the forks of a lift truck or forklift that can be obtained when the forks are raised without extending the height of the mast measured on level ground.
The load capacity is the maximum weight of the material that can be handled as a “load” on the forks of a lift truck or fork lift at a specific “load center”. It is always computed with the mast in a vertical position.
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The horizontal longitudinal distance from the front load carrying face of the forks of a lift truck or forklift to the center of gravity of the load. According to Japanese industrial standards, this distance is 500mm on 1 to 3 ton counterbalance lift trucks and 600mm on reach trucks, powered pallet trucks and stackers.
AC stands for Alternating Current and is a way of transferring energy from a battery to an electric motor component, such as motors. It’s magnitude and direction vary cyclically, as opposed to direct current, whose direction remains constant. The usual waveform of an AC power circuit is a sine wave as this results in the most efficient transmission of energy.
Direct current (DC or “continuous current”) is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Direct current is produced by such sources as batteries, thermocouples, solar cells, and commutator-type electric machines of the dynamo type. Direct current may flow in a conductor such as a wire, but can also be through semiconductors, insulators, or even through a vacuum as in electron or ion beams. In direct current, the electric charges flow in the same direction, distinguishing it from alternating current (AC).
IC is the acronym for internal combustion. The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of fuel and an oxidizer (typically air) occurs in a confined space called a combustion chamber. This exothermic reaction creates gases at high temperature and pressure, which are permitted to expand. The defining feature of an internal combustion engine is that useful work is performed by the expanding hot gases acting directly to cause movement of solid parts of the engine, by acting on pistons, rotors, or even by pressing on and moving the entire engine itself.
This contrasts with external combustion engines, such as steam engines and Stirling engines, which use an external combustion chamber to heat a separate working fluid, which then in turn does work, for example by moving a piston or a turbine.
Pneumatic Tire
Tires are inflated with air, which provides a flexible cushion between the vehicle and the travel surface that smoothes out shock and provides for a comfortable ride quality.
The pneumatic tire also has the more important effect of vastly reducing rolling resistance compared to a solid tire. Because the internal air pressure acts in all directions, a pneumatic tire is able to “absorb” bumps in the road as it rolls over them without experiencing a reaction force opposite to the direction of travel, as is the case with a solid (or foam-filled) tire. When mounted on lift trucks or forklifts they provide a smooth, quiet, low-vibration ride for increased operator comfort and more productivity.
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